Amethyst Session 2
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[Amethyst Session 3]

                       May 29, 2004 - See Narrative Below



"Amethyst Sundown", Pen and Ink
8" X 10" Drawing Paper

This is a shot of the pencil sketch Carl drew quickly from the reference photo. The pencil is actually very very light. The lines serve as general boundaries for the various features and shades, and the placement of the major features.

In the previous session narrative Carl talked about the pallet he created to get a feel for how the colored pens might behave. Below is a photograph of the pallet. If you look carefully you can see some interesting variances in the pen body colors and the actual ink colors. You can also see something even more fascinating: if you compare only the stippled color shades, not the solid colors, the pen value order changes. Another way of looking at this has to do with how you would organize the colors on your pallet from one extreme to another. Although the solid ink blotches order themselves one way, the stippled ink sections order differently (although the image below is low resolution, look carefully on the left side halfway down at the orange and red shades - and also look carefully on the right at the 2nd and 3rd pens down from the top).

Carl also got unexpected results mixing colors together in stippling. "Red and Yellow did NOT produce Orange!" Because the dot's are large enough compared to the overall resolution of the image, the eye sees the red and yellow as red and yellow, not orange. And that makes it appear kind of phony or cheap. So, Carl says he'll rely largely on stippling alone of the colors provided by the pens and using mixing very sparingly.

Carl said this evening he's not exactly what to do with all of the information he's gained from the pallet, but it will help him find a course during this experimental drawing.

This project was colored solely with
a 24 pen set of Pentel(tm) Color Pens

This project is an original drawing Carl made based on a reference image of a purple sunset.

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