Cougar Session 1
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[Cougar Session 2]

Session Number One - Cougar Start, July 25, 2003



Cougar, Acrylic
14" X 18" Canvas

This is a progression of photographs taken at intervals of about 2 hours as this painting of a Cougar develops. This is a work in progress so you can watch while Carl creates this painting. Use the navigational buttons below to jump from one shot to the next. This is his art project for August 2003. Carl is experimenting with an entirely different approach in this style, trying to learn a "drybrush technique". He is trying to learn how to create the appearance of fur and other subtle features in this Cougar by mainly using a dry brush. This means the paint is thick and only a little is placed on the brush. Then the paint is very lightly scrubbed onto the canvas giving it a course matrix type appearance. Since Carl's never done this before he's not sure it will work, and if it does work this may not be one of his finer paintings. But he says he's enjoying the learning challenge that art presents. "Experimentation, and even failure, are part of the learning process."

This project is taken from a book authored by Kalon Baughan, "Painting the Faces of Wildlife"

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